Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage
Soothe Your Body & Spirit
What is RLD?
RLD is an award winning reflexology technique which focuses on stimulating the lymphatic reflexes on the feet. It works on the exact same principles as Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage (Vodder Method) but the treatment is done entirely on the feet.
The aim is to cause an effect on the lymphatic system in the body. It is a unique sequence that has been researched and developed by Sally Kay BSc (Hons), whilst working alongside nurses in the MLD clinic in Cardiff University Hospital. Through her study, development and treatment of breast cancer patients with secondary lymphoedema, positive effects were found after one or more RLD treatments, and showed a considerable reduction in the volume of fluid being retained in the limb. Research and case studies have now shown RLD to be of benefit to anyone with Lymphoedema both primary and secondary.
How does RLD help?
The Lymphatic System is connected to three other body systems: cardiovascular, digestive and immune system. These specific areas of the feet have thousands of nerve endings that corresponds to other parts of our body. Stimulation of nerves supplying the feet can help improve blood and lymph circulation and restore energy flow. This is a targeted treatment focusing on the natural flow of lymphatic drainage in the body. The specific reflexes worked on the feet are: Diaphragm, Spinal Cord, Cysterna Chyli, Thoracic duct, Subclavian vein, Cervical Lymph Nodes, Neck, Upper Trapezius, Upper Lymphatics, Lateral Shoulder (Deltoid), Axilliary Lymph Nodes, Lower Lymphatics, Breast, the reflexes of the arm and leg, Spleen and Kidney/Bladder.
RLD can help in a variety of ways. This includes:
• Reduced swelling
• Less pain and discomfort
• A feeling of improved body image and well-being
• An increase in the strength and mobility of the arm or leg
• Improvement of general well-being
Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage (RLD)
RLD may be of benefit to you if you suffer from any of the following conditions:
Peripheral Neuropathy
Chronic fatigue
Sinus problems
Muscular tension
Aches and pains
Premenstrual Syndrome
Fertility Issues

Please note conditions where RLD may not be used include: DVT, cellulitis, unstable heart conditions and kidney failure.